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Arabidopsis thaliana ACYL-COA-BINDING PROTEIN6 (AtACBP6) encodes a cytosolic 10-kDa AtACBP. It confers freezing tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis, possibly by its interaction with lipids as indicated by the binding of acyl-CoA esters and phosphatidylcholine to recombinant AtACBP6. Herein, transgenic Arabidopsis transformed with an AtACBP6 promoter-driven β-glucuronidase (GUS) construct exhibited strong GUS activity in the vascular tissues. Immunoelectron microscopy using anti-AtACBP6 antibodies showed AtACBP6 localization in the phloem especially in the companion cells and sieve elements. Also, the presence of gold grains in the plasmodesmata indicated its potential role in systemic trafficking. The AtACBP6 protein, but not its mRNA, was found in phloem exudate of wild-type Arabidopsis. Fatty acid profiling using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed an increase in the jasmonic acid (JA) precursor, 12-oxo-cis,cis-10,15-phytodienoic acid (cis-OPDA), and a reduction in JA and/or its derivatives in acbp6 phloem exudates in comparison to the wild type. Quantitative real-time PCR showed down-regulation of COMATOSE (CTS) in acbp6 rosettes suggesting that AtACBP6 affects CTS function. AtACBP6 appeared to affect the content of JA and/or its derivatives in the sieve tubes, which is consistent with its role in pathogen-defense and in its wound-inducibility of AtACBP6pro::GUS. Taken together, our results suggest the involvement of AtACBP6 in JA-biosynthesis in Arabidopsis phloem tissues.  相似文献   
Chromatography on DEAE-cellulose of an extract from etiolated leaves of sorghum ( Sorghum vulgare Pers. cv. INRA 450), a C4 plant, gave only one form of phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase with functional and regulatory properties of a C3 type plant enzyme. Greening of the leaves resulted in a significant increase in activity. This increase was due to the appearance of a new form of the enzyme, which eluted at lower ionic strength and exhibited new properties. This form was glucose-6-P activated and showed a sigmoidal curve response to the concentration of the substrate phosphoerralpyruvate. These kinetic properties are typical of a C4 plant enzyme.  相似文献   
The major challenge in developing cryopreservation protocols for microencapsulated cells is that the relatively large size (300-400 microm) and the fragile semipermeable membrane of microcapsules makes them particularly prone to cryodamage. Rapid-cooling cryopreservation protocols with high DMSO concentrations (3.5M, 25% v/v) resulted in low post-thaw cell viability (<10%), which did not improve with higher concentrations (4.5M, 32% v/v) and longer exposure to DMSO, even though the majority of microcapsules (60-80%) remained intact. Subsequent investigations of slow cooling with a range of DMSO and EG concentrations resulted in a much higher post-thaw cell viability (80-85%), with the majority of the microcapsules remaining intact ( approximately 60%) when DMSO was used at a concentration of 2.8M (20% v/v) and EG at a concentration of 2.7M (15% v/v). The presence of 0.25M sucrose significantly improved post-thaw cell viability upon slow cooling with 2.8M (20% v/v) DMSO, although it had no effect on microcapsule integrity. Multistep exposure and removal of sucrose did not significantly improve either post-thaw cell viability or microcapsule integrity, compared to a single-step protocol. Ficoll 20% (w/v) also did not significantly improve post-thaw cell viability and microcapsule integrity. Hence, the optimal condition for microcapsule cryopreservation developed in this study is slow cooling with 2.8M (20% v/v) DMSO and 0.25M sucrose.  相似文献   
Lysophospholipids are intermediates of phospholipid metabolism resulting from stress and lysophospholipases detoxify lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC). Many lysophospholipases have been characterized in mammals and bacteria, but few have been reported from plants. Arabidopsis thaliana lysophospholipase 2 (lysoPL2) (At1g52760) was identified as a protein interactor of acyl‐CoA‐binding protein 2 (ACBP2) in yeast two‐hybrid analysis and co‐immunoprecipitation assays. BLASTP analysis indicated that lysoPL2 showed ~35% amino acid identity to the lysoPL1 family. Co‐localization of autofluorescence‐tagged lysoPL2 and ACBP2 by confocal microscopy in agroinfiltrated tobacco suggests the plasma membrane as a site for their subcellular interaction. LysoPL2 mRNA was induced by zinc (Zn) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and lysoPL2 knockout mutants showed enhanced sensitivity to Zn and H2O2 in comparison to wild type. LysoPL2‐overexpressing Arabidopsis was more tolerant to H2O2 and cadmium (Cd) than wild type, suggesting involvement of lysoPL2 in phospholipid repair following lipid peroxidation arising from metal‐induced stress. Lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) contents in ACBP2‐overexpressors and lysoPL2‐overexpressors after Cd‐treatment were lower than wild type, indicating that ACBP2 and lysoPL2 confer protection during oxidative stress. A role for lysoPL2 in lysoPC detoxification was demonstrated when recombinant lysoPL2 was observed to degrade lysoPC in vitro. Filter‐binding assays and Lipidex competition assays showed that (His)6‐ACBP2 binds lysoPC in vitro. Binding was disrupted in a (His)6‐ACBP2 derivative lacking the acyl‐CoA‐binding domain, confirming that this domain confers lysoPC binding. These results suggest that ACBP2 can bind both lysoPC and lysoPL2 to promote the degradation of lysoPC in response to Cd‐induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Endophytic bacteria are harmless in most plant species; and known to boost the growth and development of the host plants probably by secreting growth hormones. The isolation, identification and screening of endophytic bacteria for the plant growth regulators like cytokinin are needed to get the leads for their applications in agriculture sector. We describe the isolation and identification of the bacterial endophytes from the leaves of Sambung Nyawa [Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.] and their screening for cytokinin-like compounds. We isolated three endophytic bacteria from the leaves of G. procumbens collected from the forest research institute of Malaysia (FRIM). They were further identified using amplified 16S rRNA gene sequence based method of bacterial identification. The ethyl acetate extracts of the isolates-broth were analyzed using cucumber cotyledon greening bioassay (CCGB) to determine the presence of cytokinin-like compounds. Consequently, the bacterial putative endophytes were identified as Psuedomonas resinovorans, Paenibacillus polymaxa, and Acenitobacter calcoaceticus. Broth-extracts from two (Psuedomonas resinovorans and Paenibacillus polymaxa) of the three putative bacterial endophytes show the positive results in their screening for cytokinin-like compounds using CCGB. Thus, we hypothesize that the bacterial putative endophytes of G. procumbens that produce cytokinin-like compounds might have a role in the growth and development of G. procumbens. ABBREVIATIONS: CCGB - Cucumber cotyledon greening bioassay, rDNA - Ribosomal DNA, K12, BAP - 6-Benzylaminopurine, Db1, MSA - Multiple sequence alignment. 8081.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis thaliana, a family of six genes (ACBP1 to ACBP6) encodes acyl-CoA binding proteins (ACBPs). Investigations on ACBP3 reported here show its upregulation upon dark treatment and in senescing rosettes. Transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing ACBP3 (ACBP3-OEs) displayed accelerated leaf senescence, whereas an acbp3 T-DNA insertional mutant and ACBP3 RNA interference transgenic Arabidopsis lines were delayed in dark-induced leaf senescence. Acyl-CoA and lipid profiling revealed that the overexpression of ACBP3 led to an increase in acyl-CoA and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) levels, whereas ACBP3 downregulation reduced PE content. Moreover, significant losses in phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylinositol, and gains in phosphatidic acid (PA), lysophospholipids, and oxylipin-containing galactolipids (arabidopsides) were evident in 3-week-old dark-treated and 6-week-old premature senescing ACBP3-OEs. Such accumulation of PA and arabidopsides (A, B, D, E, and G) resulting from lipid peroxidation in ACBP3-OEs likely promoted leaf senescence. The N-terminal signal sequence/transmembrane domain in ACBP3 was shown to be essential in ACBP3-green fluorescent protein targeting and in promoting senescence. Observations that recombinant ACBP3 binds PC, PE, and unsaturated acyl-CoAs in vitro and that ACBP3 overexpression enhances degradation of the autophagy (ATG)-related protein ATG8 and disrupts autophagosome formation suggest a role for ACBP3 as a phospholipid binding protein involved in the regulation of leaf senescence by modulating membrane phospholipid metabolism and ATG8 stability in Arabidopsis. Accelerated senescence in ACBP3-OEs is dependent on salicylic acid but not jasmonic acid signaling.  相似文献   
The reproductive biology of Seseli farrenyi (Apiaceae), a very narrow endemic to Cape Creus (Catalonia, Spain), including flowering timing patterns, quantity and quality of pollination services (type and frequency of pollinators, pollen carryover, pollen deposition on stigmas and reproductive success measured as fruit set), and breeding system was studied. Given the decline of population size detected in the last twenty years, we also analyzed the effects of fragmentation on pollination mechanisms. Protandry along with strong synchrony of floral development within umbels and sequential inflorescence emission within individual stalks, produces sexual phase alternation that promotes a strong outcrossing despite its non-specific pollination system and its (at least partial) self-compatibility. This pronounced xenogamy is supported by results of the insect exclusion test, hand-pollination experiments, and high P/O ratio. S. farrenyi flowers received visits from at least 28 species of insects, including wasps, small bees, ants, flies, syrphid flies, beetles and stink bugs, with different pollen carry-overs. Heterospecific pollen on stigmas decreased notably during the season (50% to 2.5%), averaging 12%. In the small population the stigmatic pollen loads and seed set decreased, but there was no effect of pollinator visitation rates. It was more affected by the composition of pollinators and their efficiency. The wind had a considerable effect on the plant. Some conservation measures are proposed.  相似文献   
To what extent has the style of song development among songbirds coevolved with other life history strategies? Among Cistothorus wrens in North America, it seems that sedentary or site-faithful habits of marsh wrens, C. palustris, favour song imitation, but seminomadic habits of sedge wrens, C. platensis, favour song improvisation, whereby each male generates a large but unique song repertoire. In this study, we tested whether more sedentary populations of sedge wrens in the Neotropics would imitate songs. At our primary study site near Cartago, Costa Rica, breeding birds were colour-banded during 1995 and 1996, and follow-up surveys revealed that the birds remained at this site the year round. Extensive tape recording and analysis of songs showed that males had large song repertoires (200-300+ songs), and that many songs were shared among neighbouring males. In addition, males only 27 km distant, at La Pastora, used different songs. Furthermore, matched countersinging, in which two males answer each other with identical song types, was recorded near Brasilia, in Brazil. The sharing of songs among permanent neighbours, microgeographical variation in song, and matched countersinging can be achieved only through song imitation, thus revealing a striking difference in the style of song development among different populations of the sedge wren. In the Neotropics, having predictable neighbours throughout life appears to have favoured song imitation, so that individuals can interact using a common, learned code typical of the local population; among more mobile populations in North America, however, individuals improvise large repertoires of species-typical songs, thereby enabling singing males to communicate with any individual, no matter what the population of origin. Strategies of song development must correlate with life history features, and further surveys are needed to make sense of the great diversity of singing behaviours among songbirds. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   
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